Safety And Security for 2023

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Total Mentions




Previous Record


Unique Authors




Previous Record


Trending Topics

  1. developer mode
  2. BPI Mobile app
  3. Settings app on your device

*Unique Authors and Trending Topics data covers August 2023 to September 2023

Safety & Security

Social Trends for Safety & Security


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Mention Volume for Days broken down by Queries

Aug 06Aug 13Aug 20Aug 27Sep 03Sep 10Sep 17Sep 240100200300400500Mentions Value

--- Median Daily Mention Volume

[BW] Safety & Security PH

This chart shows daily volumes of conversations related to the 'Safety & Security' search query. This visualization is used to identify key stories (either from news or social media origin) that drove conversation volumes and consumer interest.

Social Trends for Safety & Security


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Mentions Volume for Days broken down by Categories

020406080100120140160180Mentions ValueAug 06Aug 13Aug 20Aug 27Sep 03Sep 10Sep 17Sep 24





Land Bank

Robinsons Bank





East West Bank



Union Bank







Shopee Pay

Tonik Digital Bank

Security Bank

Lazada Wallet


This chart shows daily volumes of conversations related to the 'Safety & Security' search query, that also mention an issuer. This visualization is used to identify key stories (either from news or social media origin) that drove conversation volumes and consumer interest.

Sentiment: Overall


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Total Retweets for Queries broken down by Sentiment





Issuer SOV


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Total Retweet for Queries broken down by Categories






Land Bank

Robinsons Bank





East West Bank



Union Bank







Shopee Pay

Tonik Digital Bank

Security Bank

Lazada Wallet


Issuer Volume & Sentiment


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Total Retweets for Categories broken down by Sentiment

MaybankHSBCUOBCitibankLand BankRobinsons BankBankComChinabankPBComMetrobankEast West BankPNBPayMayaUnion BankAUBRCBCBPIDBSBDOGrabPayShopee PayTonik Digital BankSecurity BankLazada WalletGcash2,5002,0001,5001,0005000




Payment Methods

SOV Payment Methods


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Mention Volume for Queries broken down by Categories


Prepaid Card

Credit Card

Digital Wallet


Online Bank Transfer

Debit Card

Sentiment: Payment Methods


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Total Retweets for Categories broken down by Sentiment

02004006008001,0001,200Prepaid CardCredit CardDigital WalletCNPOnline Bank TransferDebit Card




Timeline Payment methods


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Mentions Volume for Days broken down by Categories

0102030405060Mentions ValueAug 06Aug 13Aug 20Aug 27Sep 03Sep 10Sep 17Sep 24

Prepaid Card

Credit Card

Digital Wallet


Online Bank Transfer

Debit Card

This chart shows the proportion of posts related to 'Safety & Security' topics that mention 'Payment Methods' categories by volume.

Word Cloud (Payment Methods)


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Top Topics

financialaccesstimesolutionsexperienceaccountsprovideservicebusinessesseamlesssupportclickindustrylandscapeappmerchantoffertodayarticlegatewayincludingfreepotentialproductsacceptnumberofficialdetailsprocessplatformprovidinggatewaysuniquehigh-riskContactoptionfeaturescallindustriesCBDvisitEnteroptionsconvenientsystemstailoredwebsiteGlobalconvenienceensurecredit repaircaseshoppingcompanymerchant processingcheckoffersrealmStoreusersCEOaddressusersendfuturerelatedrobustefficientcredit card paymentsensuringaccept credit cardsmessagemanageassistanceplatformse-commerceHomenextphonemanagementsocialintegrationseamlesslyloginreachFullbenefitssavingsensuresfundsrequirementssaferequestbranchCenternumbersproviderUnderstandingcountryspecificpartnerconcernsselectretailopenaddedGroupreliablefeesmeasuresreportleadingfeetypemerchantsfoundserveMANILAsigndaygooddayscoreTermsATMOTPinterestbillFilipinosdatefeaturehopevalidVisabringloansswiftreportsminddisputestextdevicesnamanFileyungreasonsevolutionproblemWaitvideocallsPacificPHPPNPProceediconforgetreleasedservice providermutualdisputetalkloanmonthhearBSPnearestone valid IDriskinquiryurgent concernsbrackets

This word cloud is a data visualisation based on a random sample of posts gathered during the period. Larger words/phrases in the cloud appear more frequently in the model. Words/phrases to the right of the cloud are more recently emerging, and those to the left are words/phrases that were more common earlier in the period but less common later on. word clouds are a visualisation tool to understand what is being discussed and should not be used for quantitative purposes. As the visualisation is based on a sample of posts, different iterations of the word cloud can generate different images.

Trending Topics (Payment Methods)


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Trending/fading words and phrases

This word cloud is a data visualisation based on a random sample of posts gathered during the period. Larger words/phrases in the cloud appear more frequently in the model. Words/phrases to the right of the cloud are more recently emerging, and those to the left are words/phrases that were more common earlier in the period but less common later on. word clouds are a visualisation tool to understand what is being discussed and should not be used for quantitative purposes. As the visualisation is based on a sample of posts, different iterations of the word cloud can generate different images. *


SOV Types of Scam/Threat


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Mention Volume for Queries broken down by Categories


Generic/Other Fraud


Identity Theft/Phishing

Card Cloning

Sentiment: Types of Scam/Threat


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Total Retweets for Categories broken down by Sentiment

0100200300400500Generic/Other FraudLost/StolenIdentity Theft/PhishingCard Cloning




Timeline Types of Scam/Threat


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Mentions Volume for Days broken down by Categories

0102030405060708090Mentions ValueAug 06Aug 13Aug 20Aug 27Sep 03Sep 10Sep 17Sep 24

Generic/Other Fraud


Identity Theft/Phishing

Card Cloning

This chart shows the volume of posts related to 'Safety & Security' topics that mention 'Fraud Prevention/Consumer Protection' categories.

Word Cloud (Fraud/Scams)


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Top Topics

callSendpotentialmessagefreenumbersfoundincidentsconcernsprovidechannelsrelatedtoll-freelost or stolen cardpotential fraudDomesticInternationalreports of a lost or stolentransaction disputes or incidents of potentialsend us a message by logginglogging in to your BDOclickgeneralBDO Hotlinefound on our websiteofficialkindly24/7provide general informationaccount-related concernsreachingdirectlyPrivateSearchnextfuturereportfinancialblueofficial pageBDO Customer CareaccountsnumberFacebookContactCentercheckmarkgoodserviceaccessconcernuserswebsitesocialactivitiesapologizeprotectassistanceFacebookphoneappsystempersonal informationgovernmentlinksplatformstextmeasuresOTPpublicATMtodaytypeagenciessolutionsurgentManilaPhilippinevisitpeoplelawfacevictimsafecodeuserhopeavoidPNPSIMglobalstayfeaturePHPserveMarkofferACGcasesofficerlatestcalledsitesincidentchiefwaryfasterSmartMPINBranchestechnicalformsrobustwayslovePressclientsfightPLDTbigCEOemailsformPRIZEhearNBIwintimesE-MailDOJcarefulinvolveloginSMScall centresocial mediaTalkagadnumeroPOBvideobillSender ID

This word cloud is a data visualisation based on a random sample of posts gathered during the period. Larger words/phrases in the cloud appear more frequently in the model. Words/phrases to the right of the cloud are more recently emerging, and those to the left are words/phrases that were more common earlier in the period but less common later on. word clouds are a visualisation tool to understand what is being discussed and should not be used for quantitative purposes. As the visualisation is based on a sample of posts, different iterations of the word cloud can generate different images.

Trending Topics (Fraud/Scams)


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Trending/fading words and phrases

This word cloud is a data visualisation based on a random sample of posts gathered during the period. Larger words/phrases in the cloud appear more frequently in the model. Words/phrases to the right of the cloud are more recently emerging, and those to the left are words/phrases that were more common earlier in the period but less common later on. word clouds are a visualisation tool to understand what is being discussed and should not be used for quantitative purposes. As the visualisation is based on a sample of posts, different iterations of the word cloud can generate different images. *

Fraud Prevention/Consumer Protection

SOV Fraud Prevention/Consumer Protection


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Mention Volume for Queries broken down by Categories


Data Privacy

Fraud Response & Resolution

Secured Payment Methods

Consumer Education/Awareness

Sentiment: Fraud Prevention/Consumer Protection


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Total Retweets for Categories broken down by Sentiment

050100150200250Data PrivacyFraud Response & ResolutionSecured Payment MethodsConsumer Education/Awareness




Timeline Fraud Prevention/Consumer Protection


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Mentions Volume for Days broken down by Categories

01020304050Mentions ValueAug 06Aug 13Aug 20Aug 27Sep 03Sep 10Sep 17Sep 24

Data Privacy

Fraud Response & Resolution

Secured Payment Methods

Consumer Education/Awareness

This chart shows the volume of posts related to 'Safety & Security' topics that mention 'Fraud Prevention/Consumer Protection' categories.

Word Cloud (Prevention/Protection)


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Top Topics

accessfinancialindustrycomplianceexperienceSolutionsaccountsensureOTPbusinessesofferlandscapeseamlessactivitiestodayprocessArticlereachedgatewayoperationsusersplatforminstitutionssupportsystemstimeActcalltailoredaddressmeasuressectoraccepthotlineattemptsHigh-Riskprovidingfinancial institutionsgatewaysJonathan Bomserrepairprovideincludinguniquemerchant processingpublicData Privacy ActindividualsmaximumPrivacy Act of 1974risksleadingWorldensuringintegrationexchangeUnderstandingresetCustomer CareCustomer Care Hotlineunable to withdrawadvancedrobustoptionsdiversepartnerpivotalcustomer serviceprotecte-commercefraudulent activitiesofferingplatformsclientsCEOenhancemanageefficientrealmremainsglobalmethodsfaceintricaciesGroupcompanyknowledgeensuresPhilippinenumberservegivechiefofficerdevicelatestlawSIMFuturegeneralModernsharedspecificmadeconsumersretailappsintricatesolutionsafedetailswinuserowneractivesimpleupangfightNBIbigliesBuildinglinkedmonthrisesteadfastDOJSeekcrimeleadschemesfallingheartadoptingPresidententerprisePilipinasactsportaltextlinefurnishmindriskclouddefensesafeguardsblockchainpersonal detailsFilipino peoplelegitimacywritingInitiativemobile phoneaptprevalentrepeat

This word cloud is a data visualisation based on a random sample of posts gathered during the period. Larger words/phrases in the cloud appear more frequently in the model. Words/phrases to the right of the cloud are more recently emerging, and those to the left are words/phrases that were more common earlier in the period but less common later on. word clouds are a visualisation tool to understand what is being discussed and should not be used for quantitative purposes. As the visualisation is based on a sample of posts, different iterations of the word cloud can generate different images.

Trending Topics (Prevention/Protection)


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Trending/fading words and phrases

This word cloud is a data visualisation based on a random sample of posts gathered during the period. Larger words/phrases in the cloud appear more frequently in the model. Words/phrases to the right of the cloud are more recently emerging, and those to the left are words/phrases that were more common earlier in the period but less common later on. word clouds are a visualisation tool to understand what is being discussed and should not be used for quantitative purposes. As the visualisation is based on a sample of posts, different iterations of the word cloud can generate different images. *

Full Query

Word Cloud (Full Query)


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Top Topics

clickaccessmessagetimeappFacebooknumberProvidesendfreecalldetailscheckserviceOTPrequestinconvenienceReportsearchstepsexperiencedevicefoundkindlyofficialcontactcasetoll-freeEnterinternationalvisitone-timephonedomesticcausednumbersFileassistancefeatureconcernpesosfinancialMrsakongOne-Time-PasswordconcernsTermscompanydirectlyProceedfuturetypewhite down pointing backhand indexgeneraltalkaddresswebsitebusinessicondaysoptionsreferenceproblemsafeManilaCareConditionsPoliciesaccountskayadvisedturnbarWaitPrivatedisputeinquiryunderstandMetropotentialCenterMetro ManilaCustomer CareSalamatsupportstaymakingmeroncustomer serviceregretensureclick Proceedprovide general informationmobile phonereference via emailWait for your case numberproviderplatformKeypesos sa Gcashtalking to you meron akongsolutionsfriendregional indicator symbol letter p + regional indicator symbol letter hNOTEreachchannelslegitgoodtodaygivefound on our websitereliableusersprocessGcash ko kahapon at binigayfeesreceiveinvestiOSincludingsettingSMSphilippinetransferPhplatestproductsmobile appsocialdeveloperi-messageofficial pageloggingchatboterrorremove the bracketsuserBDO HotlineoptionbranchBDO Customer CarebusinessesPLDTmagFacebookcharges24/7SelecthearSend us a messagefundssecuredMetro Manilapadalhan siya ng friend requestcodeFXofferbanksRegistrationmodeTogglestay safekindly send your Private MessageinvestedreceivedApplicablebrowserreportsMessengercallsseamlesstapMediaBDO Personal Online Banking accounthopetabtrustedincidentsnamingprivate messagesuggestSettingsdeveloper modeupangregret the inconvenienceearnbracketsYungcallingloginsendingweb browserservice providerBPI Mobile appFile your disputepotential fraudlost or stolen disputessearch barstartedmaking sure that your online accountnamanregistertradingclick on the linkreasonssearch boxchangetextsubscribersmerchantfinallyvalidmobile numberFacebook PageteamversionnagcallerimposedsavingsunittransactFilipinopasteaddress barhouri-clicknew apppayment gatewaysbaActresetnotificationperaprofitSIM8koldernyograbescreenshottumawagdigitscammere-commercePLDTanongdamingtakotmehkayoconnected5k

This word cloud is a data visualisation based on a random sample of posts gathered during the period. Larger words/phrases in the cloud appear more frequently in the model. Words/phrases to the right of the cloud are more recently emerging, and those to the left are words/phrases that were more common earlier in the period but less common later on. word clouds are a visualisation tool to understand what is being discussed and should not be used for quantitative purposes. As the visualisation is based on a sample of posts, different iterations of the word cloud can generate different images.

Trending Topics (Full Query)


Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Trending/fading words and phrases

This word cloud is a data visualisation based on a random sample of posts gathered during the period. Larger words/phrases in the cloud appear more frequently in the model. Words/phrases to the right of the cloud are more recently emerging, and those to the left are words/phrases that were more common earlier in the period but less common later on. word clouds are a visualisation tool to understand what is being discussed and should not be used for quantitative purposes. As the visualisation is based on a sample of posts, different iterations of the word cloud can generate different images. *

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Please Note: You can adjust the date range to view real-time sentiments and topics focusing on specific aspects of Safety and Security conversations. Any changes made on this live dashboard will not impact other pages. There may be a variance in data volume in a static report compared to a live dashboard due to changes in real-time consumer behaviour data metrics across social media platforms. Data volumes in the 'live' dashboard may vary slightly compared to 'static' reports due to data being sourced directly via API from online sources for the dashboard. If posts or accounts are deleted/taken private, they will no longer be available via API. Visualisations, such as word clouds, may also vary due to sampling methodology.