Market & Date Range Coverage | Philippines
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*Unique Authors and Trending Topics data covers August 2023 to September 2023
Social Trends for Safety & Security
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Mention Volume for Days broken down by Queries
--- Median Daily Mention Volume
[BW] Safety & Security PH
This chart shows daily volumes of conversations related to the 'Safety & Security' search query. This visualization is used to identify key stories (either from news or social media origin) that drove conversation volumes and consumer interest.
Social Trends for Safety & Security
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Mentions Volume for Days broken down by Categories
Land Bank
Robinsons Bank
East West Bank
Union Bank
Shopee Pay
Tonik Digital Bank
Security Bank
Lazada Wallet
This chart shows daily volumes of conversations related to the 'Safety & Security' search query, that also mention an issuer. This visualization is used to identify key stories (either from news or social media origin) that drove conversation volumes and consumer interest.
Sentiment: Overall
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Total Retweets for Queries broken down by Sentiment
Issuer SOV
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Total Retweet for Queries broken down by Categories
Land Bank
Robinsons Bank
East West Bank
Union Bank
Shopee Pay
Tonik Digital Bank
Security Bank
Lazada Wallet
Issuer Volume & Sentiment
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Total Retweets for Categories broken down by Sentiment
SOV Payment Methods
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Mention Volume for Queries broken down by Categories
Prepaid Card
Credit Card
Digital Wallet
Online Bank Transfer
Debit Card
Sentiment: Payment Methods
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Total Retweets for Categories broken down by Sentiment
Timeline Payment methods
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Mentions Volume for Days broken down by Categories
Prepaid Card
Credit Card
Digital Wallet
Online Bank Transfer
Debit Card
This chart shows the proportion of posts related to 'Safety & Security' topics that mention 'Payment Methods' categories by volume.
Word Cloud (Payment Methods)
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Top Topics
This word cloud is a data visualisation based on a random sample of posts gathered during the period. Larger words/phrases in the cloud appear more frequently in the model. Words/phrases to the right of the cloud are more recently emerging, and those to the left are words/phrases that were more common earlier in the period but less common later on. word clouds are a visualisation tool to understand what is being discussed and should not be used for quantitative purposes. As the visualisation is based on a sample of posts, different iterations of the word cloud can generate different images.
Trending Topics (Payment Methods)
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Trending/fading words and phrases
This word cloud is a data visualisation based on a random sample of posts gathered during the period. Larger words/phrases in the cloud appear more frequently in the model. Words/phrases to the right of the cloud are more recently emerging, and those to the left are words/phrases that were more common earlier in the period but less common later on. word clouds are a visualisation tool to understand what is being discussed and should not be used for quantitative purposes. As the visualisation is based on a sample of posts, different iterations of the word cloud can generate different images. *
SOV Types of Scam/Threat
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Mention Volume for Queries broken down by Categories
Generic/Other Fraud
Identity Theft/Phishing
Card Cloning
Sentiment: Types of Scam/Threat
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Total Retweets for Categories broken down by Sentiment
Timeline Types of Scam/Threat
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Mentions Volume for Days broken down by Categories
Generic/Other Fraud
Identity Theft/Phishing
Card Cloning
This chart shows the volume of posts related to 'Safety & Security' topics that mention 'Fraud Prevention/Consumer Protection' categories.
Word Cloud (Fraud/Scams)
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Top Topics
This word cloud is a data visualisation based on a random sample of posts gathered during the period. Larger words/phrases in the cloud appear more frequently in the model. Words/phrases to the right of the cloud are more recently emerging, and those to the left are words/phrases that were more common earlier in the period but less common later on. word clouds are a visualisation tool to understand what is being discussed and should not be used for quantitative purposes. As the visualisation is based on a sample of posts, different iterations of the word cloud can generate different images.
Trending Topics (Fraud/Scams)
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Trending/fading words and phrases
This word cloud is a data visualisation based on a random sample of posts gathered during the period. Larger words/phrases in the cloud appear more frequently in the model. Words/phrases to the right of the cloud are more recently emerging, and those to the left are words/phrases that were more common earlier in the period but less common later on. word clouds are a visualisation tool to understand what is being discussed and should not be used for quantitative purposes. As the visualisation is based on a sample of posts, different iterations of the word cloud can generate different images. *
SOV Fraud Prevention/Consumer Protection
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Mention Volume for Queries broken down by Categories
Data Privacy
Fraud Response & Resolution
Secured Payment Methods
Consumer Education/Awareness
Sentiment: Fraud Prevention/Consumer Protection
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Total Retweets for Categories broken down by Sentiment
Timeline Fraud Prevention/Consumer Protection
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Mentions Volume for Days broken down by Categories
Data Privacy
Fraud Response & Resolution
Secured Payment Methods
Consumer Education/Awareness
This chart shows the volume of posts related to 'Safety & Security' topics that mention 'Fraud Prevention/Consumer Protection' categories.
Word Cloud (Prevention/Protection)
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Top Topics
This word cloud is a data visualisation based on a random sample of posts gathered during the period. Larger words/phrases in the cloud appear more frequently in the model. Words/phrases to the right of the cloud are more recently emerging, and those to the left are words/phrases that were more common earlier in the period but less common later on. word clouds are a visualisation tool to understand what is being discussed and should not be used for quantitative purposes. As the visualisation is based on a sample of posts, different iterations of the word cloud can generate different images.
Trending Topics (Prevention/Protection)
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Trending/fading words and phrases
This word cloud is a data visualisation based on a random sample of posts gathered during the period. Larger words/phrases in the cloud appear more frequently in the model. Words/phrases to the right of the cloud are more recently emerging, and those to the left are words/phrases that were more common earlier in the period but less common later on. word clouds are a visualisation tool to understand what is being discussed and should not be used for quantitative purposes. As the visualisation is based on a sample of posts, different iterations of the word cloud can generate different images. *
Word Cloud (Full Query)
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Top Topics
This word cloud is a data visualisation based on a random sample of posts gathered during the period. Larger words/phrases in the cloud appear more frequently in the model. Words/phrases to the right of the cloud are more recently emerging, and those to the left are words/phrases that were more common earlier in the period but less common later on. word clouds are a visualisation tool to understand what is being discussed and should not be used for quantitative purposes. As the visualisation is based on a sample of posts, different iterations of the word cloud can generate different images.
Trending Topics (Full Query)
Aug 01, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Trending/fading words and phrases
This word cloud is a data visualisation based on a random sample of posts gathered during the period. Larger words/phrases in the cloud appear more frequently in the model. Words/phrases to the right of the cloud are more recently emerging, and those to the left are words/phrases that were more common earlier in the period but less common later on. word clouds are a visualisation tool to understand what is being discussed and should not be used for quantitative purposes. As the visualisation is based on a sample of posts, different iterations of the word cloud can generate different images. *
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