
Consumer Social Intelligence Report 2023

Key Topics

Thailand    |   01 Aug 2023 - 30 Sept 2023

Consumer Social Intelligence Report 2023

Payment methods

Payment Methods

Thai people fear online threats such as theft of credit card details. They are warned against downloading digital wallet apps due to their fraud potential.



This chart shows the number of posts from the main search query that mention specific payment methods and the % of conversations related to each method. Shares/RT are included.


  • In August–September 2023, Payment Methods discussions increased by 23% compared to May-June, driven by credit cards and digital wallet mentions uplift. Credit card conversations remained dominant, accounting for a 60% share of voice, while the digital wallet category moved to second place with a share of voice of 16%.

  • Thais frequently discussed credit cards and shared personal experiences of being hacked on e-commerce websites, such as when booking overseas accommodations. Even though credit cards offer payment reversal, concerns arose, especially when victims couldn't halt unauthorised transactions. Credit card holders expressed concerns about their data being stolen, citing a heightened risk of unauthorised accounts being opened in their names through online channels.

  • Fuelled by the newly launched policy of ‘10,000 Baht in Digital Money for all Thais’, digital wallet discussions increased from less than 60 posts to over 450 mentions in August–September. The policy inadvertently led to a common scam that tricks victims into installing malicious mobile apps, claiming that they must do so to receive the promised sum. Media reports mentioned government agencies urging people to refrain from downloading untrustworthy digital wallet apps.

Trending/fading words and phrases – Payment Methods from August ‘23 – September ‘23​



This word cloud shows the most common words and phrases from the time period. The larger the word/phrase, the more often it appeared over time. Words/phrases on the left are "fading" (used less) and those on the right are "trending" (used more).

What People Are Saying

"Thank you for this post. I am one of’s customers. I did not store my credit card details on the site, but someone hacked and used my card for an online purchase before. The hackers broke into the bank card system, as many complained. [The criminals] made some card swipe purchases in an airport, luckily I stopped the card in time. Fraudsters were slick."

"While it's mentioned in clause 5 of the credit card terms and conditions that customers are responsible for charges incurred before cancellation, apart from insisting that customers take full responsibility, it would be greatly appreciated if the bank could assist customers more actively. For instance, coordinating with the merchants to verify any charges would be a helpful step."

"It's a fake call centre posing as a bank employee. They called and asked about my 3-month outstanding credit card debt and why I hadn’t paid it yet. Oh, really? If it were a real bank employee, they wouldn't dare to ask such questions. It's definitely a fake call. Besides, when did I even get a credit card? I'm confused."

"3 Dont's to evade online criminals. You can do avoid apps that withdraw money. And remember, banks will not send any links through SMS or email.
#CyberVaccine #OnlineSafety #DontBelieveDontRushDontTransfer #NationalPoliceOffice"

Consumer Social Intelligence Report 2023

Payment methods

Fraud Types

Social media users discuss various fraud schemes. The call centre scam is seen as one of the more sophisticated types, as some suspect the involvement of organised crime.



Chart displays fraud risk types and their percentage of conversation in posts related to the main search query. Shares/RTs included.


  • As in the previous reporting period, identity theft/phishing captured the highest share of voice in the Fraud Types conversation. News reports highlighted the prevalence of scams in Thailand and the versatile scam methods deployed, such as impersonating real business owners to lure victims into fake investments. 

  • The call centre scheme continued to be a prominent topic, which was widespread in the previous reporting period. In a 23-post thread about the scam, some users pointed out that the scheme is not limited to Thailand but occurs worldwide, including in places such as Singapore, which Thais often perceive to be safer. 

  • In the lost/stolen category, a post by a victim of a credit card theft was re-posted over 30 times. The author sought advice from fellow social media users, citing insufficient support and poor communication from the bank and reporting significant financial losses.

  • A tweet by a political party expressed support for measures aimed at curbing online and phone scams. It received 5.2K retweets. In the comment section, users suggested solutions such as AI-based phone number notifications to combat the call centre gang.

  • Online users continued to share warnings about scammers, exposing names, account numbers and phone numbers associated with criminal activity. Discussions also explored why some scams, such as the call centre tactic, are more elaborate than others.

Trending/fading words and phrases – Types of Scam from August ’23 – September ‘23​



This word cloud shows the most common words and phrases from the time period. The larger the word/phrase, the more often it appeared over time. Words/phrases on the left are "fading" (used less) and those on the right are "trending" (used more).

What People Are Saying

"The call centre gang told me I had an outstanding credit card balance. I told them I had no cards. They said was an information mismatch and requested my ID number for a credit application. I said I don't have my ID with me. They name-called me and hung up. I was furious!"

"Happens here, too. However, people here won't answer calls from unfamiliar numbers. They know it is either direct sales or a scam. The government and banking systems are swift in sending alerts. Nevertheless, scammers get creative, too. The elderly are their target."

"Their [the call centre scammers] operational cost is so small. If 1 person out of 10000 [falls for a scam], there will be 7000 victims in Thailand."

"Fake Twitter. They are just scammers who trick people into transferring money. They have no real identity, use fake names, and the destination account names are often blacklisted."

Consumer Social Intelligence Report 2023

Payment methods

Fraud Prevention

Data privacy and protection concerns leave some feeling powerless against proliferating scams.



Chart shows consumer protection actions and % of related conversation. Shares/RTs included.


  • Fraud Prevention posts have remained consistent since the previous reporting period. Data privacy mentions have been steady (1.1K versus 1.2K posts), while consumer education/awareness conversation decreased by 18%. Secured payment methods saw lower consumer engagements from the May–June period.

  • Data privacy was the dominant topic in Fraud Prevention. Thai users discussed various fraud methods targeting sensitive data, with individuals and institutions warned about fake websites posing as official scam reporting platforms.

  • Despite declining consumer education/awareness conversations, various entities continued their efforts to raise awareness of scams. Media outlets, individuals, banks and authorities shared fraud prevention information through official announcements, personal experiences and alternative formats such as podcasts.

  • Consumer interest in fraud response and resolution remained high. Although banks promoted their fraud victim support procedures, customers remained sceptical of their efficacy. Some victims felt helpless and blamed themselves for their situations, as they encountered delays or complete unavailability of assistance, especially during weekends. They perceived banks as being powerless in these cases.

Trending/fading words and phrases – Fraud Prevention from August ‘23 – September ‘23​



This word cloud shows the most common words and phrases from the time period. The larger the word/phrase, the more often it appeared over time. Words/phrases on the left are "fading" (used less) and those on the right are "trending" (used more).

What People Are Saying

"Warning! Our customer has reported a Chinese Yuan exchange scam through the use of an Alipay account. The scammer made us add the customer's account as friends (which we were unaware of until today). They chatted with both us and the customer alternately. Fortunately, the customer did not make the transfer because they encountered the scammer earlier. […] We appreciate the customer for informing us."

"In “https”, the letter 's' at the end stands for 'Secure,' which means that in this context, the website encrypts data to protect against data interception between the Server (provider) and the Client (user). However, if it's a fraudulent website, the Server is controlled by the owner of the fraudulent website, so encryption doesn't help."

"When your debit card is lost, you don’t need to panic. Your money is definitely safe. What should you do? This video has the answers.

For further inquiries, you can contact your bank via phone or at any branch nearby"

"I was scammed last month. I called [the bank], and nobody answered."

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